The IITKGP Foundation US has raised $318,000, additionally, IIT-Kharagpur has received INR 17 Lakhs in donations directly; leaving a remaining target of about $660,000!
Thank you to the generous donors that have already given back to this critical campaign! Click the below button to be taken to the latest list.
Letter from Mr. Puran Dang --1959 Graduate of IIT-KGP
In 1955, I started my life at IIT Kharagpur as a freshman at this great Institute.
About a thousand miles away from my home in New Delhi, I was in a completely new environment. The Ward Boys, Cooks in the Mess, and workers of all kinds were our constant companions. Many of these people came away from home to earn their living and serve us, the students. We felt that they were our family. They were always there to help us.
Corona Virus has put the whole world upside down and these workers at IIT-Kgp are no exception.
They have no income and are suffering. They helped us and now the time has come when they need us at this moment of great tragedy. As an elder alumnus, I appeal to all alumni to rise to the occasion and save these gentle, poor people.
Let us rise up and make a donation for those who have served us all so nicely.
Let us prove to them that "WE are with You".
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."--Helen Keller
Thank you,
Puran Dang
Class of IIT-Kgp 1959/Civil/Structural Engg./RP Hall
We need your help urgently!
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The IITKGP Foundation is a not for profit organization with a 501(c)(3) status in the United States (Federal ID: 47-0747227).
If making a donation in INR, click the below link for details.
Donations in INR
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The IITKGP Foundation