Holi Greetings from Director V.K. Tewari
IITKGP Foundation (March 26, 2021)
Dear Friends,
Greetings of the Basant Utsav, Holi, Dol, Phaguwa, Rang Panchami, Shigmo, Manjal Kuli, Phakuwah, Yaosang!
Life has taken an unprecedented turn for the past one year. While we were emerging from the pandemic situation, we are witnessing a second wave with new viral strains. With the vaccination drive, and the approach to test-track-treat we are striving ahead towards the new normal for a healthier lifestyle and a smarter world. The Basant Utsav or the celebration of the spring season which denotes regeneration and creation of life is the occasion for us to invoke the divine blessings for the well-being of our society.
While we celebrate Holi in the close proximity of each other putting colors, the festival signifies our coming together as a society and exploring different shades of life. Every situation demands a dedicated solution and within the spirit of Holi, we would have to find our joy while adhering to the health mandates of the government to keep ourselves safe.
Let us share happiness with our greetings and heart-filled wishes only instead of large social gatherings or spray colors and plan your events to ensure social distancing and hygienic interactions. You may think of a chain of gifts for each other and for those at the lowest rung of the society who are struggling through hardships.
The health and happiness of humankind is the one true celebration. Stay healthy, keep yourself and your friends and family members safe.
Wishing you all a very Happy Holi and Basant Utsav!