C.V. Jawahar (M. Tech '94, PhD '98) selected for ACM India Outstanding Contributions to Computing Education
Association for Computing Machinery (October 29, 2021)
C.V. Jawahar Selected for ACM India Outstanding Contribution to Computing Education (OCCE) 2021 Award
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) India Council has named Prof. C. V. Jawahar of International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Hyderabad as the recipient of the ACM India Outstanding Contribution to Computing Education (OCCE) Award for 2021. A selection committee comprising eminent international personalities chose Jawahar for this edition of the OCCE award.
The ACM India Outstanding Contribution to Computing Education Award recognizes individuals who have made fundamental, innovative and impactful contributions to computing education in India. The award carries a prize of ₹7 lakhs. Financial support for this award is provided by Microsoft Research India.
The award is accompanied by the citation: “Prof C. V. Jawahar’s fundamental, selfless service in teaching of computing, and nurturing a generation of students who now serve the larger society, have led to an impact in multiple dimensions of computing education."
Prof. Jawahar is well known for his fundamental and impactful contribution to the field of computing education, elevating every student he has mentored through a steady, consistent, selfless teaching service for more than 20 years.
His innovative teaching of basic courses like data structures, algorithms has built a high recognition among the student community in his institute IIIT Hyderabad and beyond. The Master's/PhD students he has advised and mentored are currently among the leading experts in the worldwide technical community. Through large classroom teaching, summer schools, outreach courses and online programs, he has motivated thousands of professionals and students in India to develop an interest and expertise in areas such as AI, ML and Computer Vision, and start a career in various organizations in India and abroad.
Prof. Jawahar is Amazon Chair Professor at IIIT Hyderabad, where he has been a member of faculty since 2000. He received his Bachelor's degree from University of Calicut, and Master's degree and PhD from IIT Kharagpur.
Please join us in congratulating Prof. Jawahar.
The ACM India Awards Steering Committee