Mukund Padmanabhan ('87) provides donation to boost Nehru Hall Ka Tempo Modernization Project
IITKGP Foundation (March 15, 2022)
A generous donation from IIT-Kharagpur alumnus Mukund Padmanabhan ('87), under the name of Guru Krupa Foundation (GKF), will provide a boost to the Nehru Hall Ka Tempo Modernization project. His contribution will completely renovate, refurbish and modernize all the rooms in D-Top West Wing of the Nehru Hall.
Said Mukund, "I'm proud to be a graduate of IIT KGP and have many fond memories of my stay in Nehru Hall, a feeling that is shared by all of my wingmates from that time. On behalf of the Nehru D-Top West batch of 1987 I take this opportunity to felicitate our juniors and wish them the best of success going forward."
The Nehru Ka Tempo project will significantly improve the Hall while retaining the charm of the early days. The project has a preliminary budget of about INR 20 Crores (about $2.7m USD), which will include the complete remodeling of all hall rooms, common room expansion/replacement, dining facilities modernization, and overall aesthetic uplift. To learn more about the Nehru Hall Ka Tempo Campaign, click here.
After graduating from IIT KGP, Mukund got his PhD from the University of California, Los Angeles, in signal processing and circuits. Subsequently he worked in IBM's Research Division on speech recognition algorithms, before pivoting to Wall Street, where he is currently a Partner and Researcher at hedge fund Renaissance Technologies.
Mukund was bestowed with the "Distinguished Alumni Award” from IIT-Kharagpur in 2021, and a "Professional Achievement Award" from the Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science at UCLA in 2019.
The Guru Krupa Foundation (GKF), a non-profit organization created by Mukund, has been a significant benefactor of IIT-Kharagpur's Academy of Classical and Folk Arts (ACFA,) which included the formation of a musical room, the administration of several Folk Arts workshops, and the engagement of teaching fellows. The ACFA, which is a branch of the Science and Heritage Initiative (SandHI), aims to introduce IITKGP architecture and engineering students to the classical and folk arts, and encourage the use of such artistic talents to supplement the highly competitive technical education.
The Foundation offers its thanks to Mukund and the Guru Krupa Foundation (GKF) for their continued support!