Sri Bandyopadhyay ('68) shares research at US Defense Innovation Conf. & his created Bangla-song
Information provided by Sri Bandyopadhyay ('68)
You can reach Sri at:
Sri Bandy, AKA ' Bandy the Singing Professor', would like to share his engineering research that was selected as a three-hour desk presentation in the US Defense Innovation-Technology Acceleration Challenges Conference, which was held in Austin, TX, November 29-December 1, 2016. The focus of the research was on 'Superb enhancement of CFRP composite fracture energy by adding short milled carbon fiber to resin matrix' and combined research from Australia & USA Materials, Civil, Mechanical, and Chemical Engineering. You can see the program from the conference by clicking here. The published article title and authors list, which were featured in the journal Construction and Building Materials, can be viewed by clicking here. Appreciation of the work by Emeritus Prof. Ali S Argon of MIT Mechanical Engineering can also be noted here.
Last week, May 9, was Rabindra-Jayanti and Sri has composed the lyrics of a poem/song on Rabindranath Thakur that he would like to share. You can read the lyrics to his Bengali song by clicking here. The song was sung/recorded by Sri in his CD Sangeet Manjari-1. You can listen to the recording here.
The Foundation has run a number of articles on "The Singing Professor". You can view them all by clicking here.