
Accolite Elevates Arjun Malhotra ('70) as Chairman of the Company's Advisory Board






Dear Reader,

IIT Kharagpur invites you to the International e-Symposia on Mahatma Gandhi - ‘Gandhian Thoughts & Philosophy’.
Date: August 15  
Time: 07:30 PM IST (07:00 AM PDT/08:00 AM MDT/09:00 AM CDT/10:00 AM EDT)
Watch Live: https://youtu.be/YAG467El4wU
Partnering institution: Tufts University, USA

1. Sarvodaya-universal upliftment or progress for all
2. Swavalamban-the quest for self-reliance
❏ Prof. Partha Ghosh, Distinguished Professor of Practice, Tufts University, Chairman, The Boston Pledge, Founder-Mentor, Partha Ghosh Leadership Academy, IIT Kharagpur,
❏ Shri Arunendu Banerjee, Director, STS Systems Kolkata, Advisor, Visva Bharati University and Rabindra Bharati University
❏ Prof. Kanchan Chowdhury, Professor, Cryogenic Engineering Centre, IIT Kharagpur

Moderator: Prof. Anjali Gera Roy, Professor, Dept. of Humanities & Social Sciences, IIT Kharagpur
Patron: Prof. V K Tewari, Director, IIT Kharagpur
Convenor: Prof. Subrata Chattopadhyay, Dean Alumni Affairs, IIT Kharagpur





Give back to your KGP! Make a quick donation via the below buttons.


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The IITKGP Foundation is Tax-Exempt under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) in the United States (Federal ID: 47-0747227).                                                                              




Don't forget to submit any pictures and information you have of "KGPians Getting Together" either socially or for KGP related events. We will share them in an upcoming newsletter!





August 2020: E-Symposia on "Gandhian Thoughts and Philosophy"

August 18, 2020: E-Launch of the Academy of Classical and Folk Arts at 6:30 PM IST (6:00 AM PDT/7:00 AM MDT/8:00 AM CDT/9:00 AM EDT)

September 10, 2020: PanIIT USA Virtual Conference, "The New FINTECH Norm: Post COVID-19" (Ron Gupta is organizing the event)

Ongoing: Apply for CEP (Continuing Education Program) Courses at IIT-Kharagpur


If you have an event you would like to add to the calendar, please send an email with details to info@iitkgpfoundation.org.



Accolite Elevates Arjun Malhotra ('70) as Chairman of the Company's Advisory Board

Malhotra led the seamless integration across businesses and cultures, resulting in Headstrong's recognition as one of the fastest-growing IT-based Financial Services companies.

IIT Kharagpur announces the Young Alumni Achiever Awards for 2020

IIT Kharagpur recently announced the Young Alumni Achiever Awardees for 2020.

IIT Kharagpur's Vegetable Oil For a Healthy Heart Awarded

IIT-Kharagpur has developed a vegetable oil powder for a healthy heart. The innovation involved altering vegetable oils through preparation of oil blends which are rich in natural antioxidants and well-balanced fatty acids.

Join Ron Gupta, IITKGPF President, conduct the PanIIT Virtual Conference on FINTECH on September 10

The conference, 'The New FINTECH Norm: Post COVID-19,' will be held on September 10, 2020 at 09:00am PDT, featuring Vinay Nair, a serial entrepreneur, and Ashish Chauhan, MD of Bombay Stock Exchange.

IIT-MIT Experts Explore Community Living in Gandhian Way

IIT Kharagpur organized the first event in the series of e-Symposia on Gandhian Thoughts and Philosophy on August 8, 2020.

IIT Kharagpur to present upcoming e-symposia on "Gandhian Thoughts and Philosophy"

IIT Kharagpur is organizing an e-symposia on Gandhian thoughts and philosophy. The month-long event will feature talks by experts from across the world.

Following Up: Arvind Narale ('63) has a new art book published

Arvind Narale, an IIT-KGP architecture alumnus based in Toronto, Canada, just published "Double Delight", a book displaying Arvind's drawings that when seen upside down show you a completely different picture from what you saw right side up.

IIT-KGP's unsung heroes need your help--please donate now!

The third phase of distributions has just kicked off and will provide support through the end of September.

Employer Matching Gift Programs

If you've donated to the IITKGP Foundation, you may be able to double your donation! We're here to help you with the process!

Upcoming Events for IIT-KGP

August 2020: E-Symposia on "Gandhian Thoughts and Philosophy"
August 18, 2020: E-Launch of the Academy of Classical and Folk Arts at 6:30 PM IST (6:00 AM PDT/7:00 AM MDT/8:00 AM CDT/9:00 AM EDT)
September 10, 2020: PanIIT USA Virtual Conference, The New FINTECH Norm: Post COVID-19

Make a Quick Donation to IIT Kharagpur now!



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