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Dear Reader,
A group of researchers at IIT-Kharagpur, led by Prof. Sandeep Kulkarni-Associate Professor, Deysarkar Centre of Excellence in Petroleum Engineering, have developed large synthetic molecules that can help with the extraction of oil or gas from underground wells. This project was sponsored by the Distinguished Alumnus/na couple of Asoke Deysarkar ('71) and Ruma Acharya ('73). Asoke serves as the current IITKGP Foundation US Vice President and the IIT-Kharagpur Representative on the PanIIT USA Board, in addition to both he and Ruma being IITKGP Foundation US Board Trustees. Asoke and Ruma established the "Asoke Deysarkar and Ruma Acharya Centre of Excellence in Petroleum Engineering (ADRACEPE)" to transform the 21st Century Energy Scenario through Sustainable Development, Leadership, and Energy.
Congratulations to all involved in this ground-breaking project!
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The IITKGP Foundation is Tax-Exempt under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) in the United States (Federal ID: 47-0747227).
Make sure to submit any pictures you have of "KGPians Getting Together" either socially or for KGP related events. We will share them in an upcoming newsletter!

Ongoing: Saturday Manufacturing Talks, presented by the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing Technology at IIT Kharagpur This week's speaker is Paulo JDS Bartolo (University of Manchester)
Ongoing: Apply for CEP (Continuing Education Program) Courses at IIT-Kharagpur
July 31, 2021: WHEELS Global Foundation webinar, 'Digital Healthcare-Fighting COVID with Technology at Scale'
September 17-18, 2021: PIWOT (PanIIT-World of Technology) Global Virtual Technology Summit 2021
February 1-4, 2022: National Symposium on Cryogenics and Superconductivity 28
If you have an event you would like to add to the calendar, please send an email with details to info@iitkgpfoundation.org.

The IITKGP Foundation