IIT Kharagpur Foundation (USA) NEWSLETTER
Volume: 6.23.2024
Dear Reader,
20 IITKGP Students Participate in the 2024 Summer International Research Internships Supported by Alumni Donations
20 selected IIT Kharagpur students are engaged in summer international research internships around the world. Nearly $76,000 in scholarship funds to support the students expenses during the internship experience have been provided by alumni donations via the IITKGPF (USA) and IITKGP alumnus, Dr. Mukund Padmanabhan (1987/B.Tech/EC/NH) under the name of his nonprofit, Guru Krapa Foundation (GKF). The universities and labs hosting the IITKGP students include: University of Bonn, TU Dresden, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Purdue University, Deakin University, Melbourne, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Universität Ulm, University of Tokyo, Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (LAAS -- CNRS), Toulouse, France, University of Warwick, Technical University of Munich, Carnegie Mellon University, Kings' College London, ETH Zurich, CNRS-University of Grenobles-Alpes, France, Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Technical University of Denmark, University of Warwick, and The Scripps Research Institute.
We will share more details about the students' experiences in their internships once they are completed.
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