IIT Kharagpur Foundation (USA) NEWSLETTER
Volume: 7.28.2024
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter, where we celebrate the incredible achievements and experiences of IITKGP students. In this issue, we shine a spotlight on the summer research internships funded by generous alumni donations, showcasing how these opportunities have enriched IITKGP students' academic and professional journeys.
Invest in Education, Invest in the Future
Highlighting Summer Research Internship Experiences of IITKGP Students Supported by Alumni Donations
IITKGPF (USA) has funded 20 selected students for Summer Research Internships around the world. Nearly $76,000 in scholarship funds to support the students' expenses during the internship experience have been provided by alumni donations via the IITKGPF (USA) and IITKGP alumnus, Dr. Mukund Padmanabhan (1987/B.Tech/EC/NH) through his nonprofit, Guru Krupa Foundation (GKF). The universities and labs hosting the IITKGP students include: University of Bonn, TU Dresden, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Purdue University, Deakin University, Melbourne, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Universität Ulm, University of Tokyo, Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (LAAS -- CNRS), Toulouse, France, University of Warwick, Technical University of Munich, Carnegie Mellon University, King's College London, ETH Zurich, CNRS-University of Grenoble-Alpes, France, Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Technical University of Denmark, University of Warwick, and The Scripps Research Institute.
Today we highlight a first-person account of Jessica John Britto (FInal year, Physics) who completed her Summer Research Internship with the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), University of Grenoble, France. Here is her account of her experiences during this internship.
As part of Jessica’s summer internship, she worked on Dynamical Decoupling of Spin based systems using Walsh Pulses. She implemented an algorithm for Hamiltonian engineering using pulses constructed from Walsh Functions based on XY-model as the resource Hamiltonian. Implementation was also done for realistic cases considering finite pulse duration and rotation angle errors while applying the pulses to the qubits. Jessica also studied how this protocol can be used to mitigate the inherent interactions among qubits in Photonic Quantum Hardware systems and how trotter errors can get affected by fine-tuning certain parameters in the Hamiltonian when evolving a quantum state over time.
As part of the internship project, Jessica visited the labs of semiconductor-based Quantum Hardware systems at Quobly (a Quantum start-up company based in Grenoble) to learn more about different quantum hardware platforms, their workings, and the materials needed to run such systems, the measurement of the observables, and the pros and cons directly from the eminent scientists working at Quobly.

Apart from science, Jessican says that she learned a lot about the French educational system, values, schemes and programs for graduate students. She also had the opportunity to meet the 2023 Physics Nobel Laureate Pierre Agostini while attending a talk given by him on Attosecond Physics at the University of Grenoble.
Jessica expressed her gratitude, saying, "I am grateful to the alumni who enabled me to pursue this wonderful scientific opportunity through the IITKGPF/GKF Funds. I strongly believe that this experience will be a significant milestone in my future scientific endeavors. I hope that in the future, this fellowship can be expanded to support other pursuits, such as attending conferences and applying to graduate schools."
Invest in Education, Invest in the Future
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The IITKGP Foundation is registered as a non-profit organization with the US Internal Revenue Service under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions to the IITKGP Foundation are tax-deductible for only US taxpayers. Our US Federal Tax ID is: 47-0747227