INSPIRATION: Praise for "The Renaissance Man"
Information provided by Puran Dang (Class of 1959 IIT-KGP, RP Hall)
**On Sunday, May 8th, 2022, from 10:00am-12:00pm EDT/ 7:30pm-9:30pm IST, The Boston Pledge will be holding a discussion and reflection on India Towards 100: A call for Reset! Need a Missionary Zeal. You can learn more about and register for the event, by clicking here.**
Also, we will be adding a link, when available, to a recording for the talk by Partha on "Europe Crisis=Global Crisis: Deficit of Leadership Exposed", which was held in March 2022.
Reflections by Puran:
My dear friend, Prof. Partha Ghosh (Class of 1971 IIT-KGP), has launched two great books that I strongly suggest all KGPians read. (India Towards 100: A Call for Reset? Need a Missionary Zeal! A Collection of Thoughts on the Arts and Crafts of Nation Building and India at 75: In The Realm of Possibility-Reflections-Inspirations!)
This "Renaissance Man" has delivered some 200 Keynote addresses all over the world and is a Founder of the Humanitarian Organization: The Boston Pledge to help the poor people in India.
These two monumental Books are a collection of his speeches and articles. They are full of knowledge and should be on the desk of each IITian. The wisdom of these books can put their Entreprises and any other endeavor on the top.
The “Readers Digest” for everybody to appreciate his thoughts and speeches at hundreds of International Forums.
On Economics, Strategy, Socioeconomic Issues, Humanitarian Causes embracing the wisdom of our old civilization and astute philosophy of Swami Vivekananda, Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi and mathematician who discovered Zero and genius of Ramanujam. Our Vedanta Philosophy can be a cure for many ills we are suffering from.
This Renaissance Man needs to be read and heard to create a benevolent society of the world which is at an Inflection Point. It is the right time to embrace the wisdom of Dr Partha Ghosh. Not only that, Prof. Ghosh has a deep devotion and sense of the great civilization of India and its glorious past and heritage.
As a very distinguished alumnus of KGP IIT-Kgp graduate 1971 and Member of Board Of Trustees, IIT Kgp USA Foundation, he is a brilliant man and a professor.
Additionally, he donated to Kgp for the creation of the "Partha Ghosh Academy of Leadership" on the Campus.
It was recently inaugurated and will create leaders of the world. I am deeply involved with the Academy and Partha and I work closely to promote the Academy.
Partha is a great thinker and writer and my dear friend, like a brother.
You can read more about Partha by clicking here.