
You can make a difference for a worker at KGP for $25/month. $352K raised, $648K to go--please help!








The IITKGP Foundation US has raised $327,000, additionally, IIT-Kharagpur has received INR 19 Lakhs in donations directly; leaving a remaining target of about $648,000!

Thank you to the generous donors that have already given back to this critical campaign! Click the below button to be taken to the latest list.  




The first phase of this effort was just completed successfully. All workers were very grateful for the support received. The second phase is set to begin next week. We will make sure to share new photos and videos when they become available. Below are a few photos from the first phase of distributions.









As we flow through our professional and personal lives, with the velocity of time exponentially increasing, rarely do we get the opportunity to reflect on what defines us. The Corona Virus, in-spite of the major disruptions it has caused along multiple dimensions on human life, has given us the opportunity to stop and reflect on who we are and what defines us individually and collectively. 

When I think through my life, it very quickly takes me back to my personal years between 1966 thru 1971 at Kharagpur; reminds me of how hard and selflessly the support ecosystem around our Halls of residence, our workshops, our playing fields, and the Gymkhana club worked which shaped what we are today. That ecosystem (largely made up of migrant workers) because of the COVID-19 and recent fires, is challenged today in a very brutal fashion. 

It is my strong conviction their challenge is our challenge; in terms of how we could play our humble role to neutralize the challenges that ecosystem faces, lift the hopes that have been curbed, and rekindle the confidence which has been diminished. We have the means, could we now mobilize our "will and conscience" to make a difference of the highest order? Let's defy the odds to prove to our nation that the investments the founders of IIT-KGP made, and the selfless love our faculty and support systems made toward us, were worth it. 



Partha Ghosh







Committee for IITKGP Alumni COVID-19 Fund

Cost Estimate of Support by the IITKGP Alumni for COVID-19                                                                                                                                                       


We need your help urgently!

Donate via the below buttons! You can donate in US $ or Canadian, Australian, or Singapore $. Donations made in the US may be tax-deductible.





The IITKGP Foundation is Tax-Exempt under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) in the United States (Federal ID: 47-0747227).


If making a donation in INR, click the below link for details.

Donations in INR

(For tracking and recording purposes, if making an INR donation, please send an email with your name, date of donation, and donation amount to info@iitkgpfoundation.org.)

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